Rank Username Current tier Total Time per task Current task
51 Golden Husky
Medium 95%
30% 01H 30M Show everyone that Bane is the new black
52 CoronaTask
Medium 92%
30% 01H 22M Register a total of 10 unique items in the Chaos Elemental section of your Boss collection log
53 Hazy Hog
Medium 93%
29% -- Obtain a unique from the Anima Islands
54 WynnterTask
Medium 77%
28% 01H 07M Find a unique gem or insect for your Menaphos journal while fishing
55 TaskmanCurry
Beginner 99%
28% 01H 10M Obtain the Gavel and the 'the Detective' title
56 Dread Task
Easy 99%
27% 01H 06M Register a total of 1 unique item in the Vindicta and Gorvek section of your Boss collection log
57 Taskman Bot
Medium 65%
27% 01H 00M Muck out 20 bucket-loads of cow manure on your Player-owned Farm
58 IronMowana
Tutorial 7%
26% 00H 30M Show them who's the real boss of the Laboratory!
59 TaskZetiv
Beginner 96%
26% 00H 53M Catch an abnormally Big swordfish and mount it in your house
60 TaskDre
Medium 62%
26% -- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Dagannoth King section of your Boss collection log
61 TaskHirion
Medium 58%
25% 00H 56M Complete Kili’s first Deathdealer upgrade task and upgrade a Deathwarden (T60 tank) set to a Deathdealer (T70 power) set
62 GunDelTask
Medium 27%
23% 01H 09M Register a total of 12 unique items in the K'ril Tsutsaroth section of your Boss collection log
63 Task Fraud
Beginner 99%
23% 00H 56M Register a total of 14 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
64 TaskArath
Beginner 99%
23% 01H 11M Show everyone that Bane is the new black
65 Taskman Mick
Easy 99%
22% 01H 22M Slay the King Black Dragon after entering his lair through the Wilderness artefact
66 SaltyTaskMan
Beginner 100%
21% 01H 26M Obtain a unique from the Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza minigame
67 Task Rin
Easy 100%
21% 01H 09M Must be the reason why I’m king of my castle
68 Task Typhoon
Easy 99%
21% 01H 22M Register a total of 23 unique items in the Asgarnia and Misthalin section of your Slayer collection log
69 t4tHimejoshi
Medium 23%
21% 01H 11M Register a total of 10 unique items in the General Graardor section of your Boss collection log
70 Nestalir
Tutorial 10%
21% -- Obtain a unique Permanent unlock from the Dungeoneering reward shops
71 Lost Thel TM
Medium 16%
20% -- Obtain and attach a Herbicide to your tool belt
72 NiteTask
Beginner 100%
20% 01H 12M Obtain a unique from the Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza minigame
73 Gnome Sylv
Beginner 100%
20% -- Register a total of 1 unique item in the Kalphite Queen section of your Boss collection log
74 Taskman Jos
Beginner 99%
20% 00H 56M Super Duper Secret Task #17
75 Baleb Tasks
Beginner 96%
19% -- Obtain and read all five Horror journals
76 ijzerenDoubt
Beginner 99%
19% 01H 04M Give Clarence the funeral he deserves
77 Staratask
Easy 99%
19% -- Must be the reason why I’m king of my castle
78 Taskman Q
Medium 9%
19% -- Register a total of 10 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
79 TaskManIce
Easy 99%
19% 00H 59M Register a total of 10 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
80 Lucien15937
Medium 5%
19% 00H 47M Help Arod the environmentalist
81 runetaskman
Medium 6%
19% -- Register a total of 10 unique items in the K'ril Tsutsaroth section of your Boss collection log
82 TaskEllie
Easy 98%
19% 01H 12M Complete the sixth Doric task
83 Task-Han-Ter
Beginner 99%
19% -- Show the Bartender of the Rusty Anchor captain Braindeath’s mark
84 Task Blaze
Beginner 99%
18% -- Complete the hard Desert Area Tasks
85 I Am Gurroup
Medium 2%
18% 00H 49M Discover something unique in the Shifting Tombs
86 ItsToryan
Easy 95%
17% 00H 44M Obtain a Baby platypus
87 TomatoTask
Easy 90%
17% 00H 44M Register a total of 5 unique items in the medium tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
88 NpcTaskman
Beginner 99%
16% -- Register a total of 8 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
89 Tskmn Lawolf
Beginner 99%
16% -- Register a total of 20 unique items in the easy tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
90 OpelDaciaGTi
Beginner 99%
16% 00H 59M Register a total of 8 unique items in the General Graardor section of your Boss collection log
91 Serial Task
Beginner 100%
16% -- Super Duper Secret Task #17
92 scopner
Beginner 99%
15% 00H 49M Register a total of 6 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
93 TindomeTasks
Easy 71%
15% -- Complete the medium Ardougne Area Tasks
94 TMTrousiz
Easy 65%
15% -- Register a total of 4 unique items in the Kree'arra section of your Boss collection log
95 IronTaskMatt
Beginner 99%
14% -- Find a unique insect for your Menaphos journal while firemaking or woodcutting
96 RunicLoki
Easy 66%
14% 00H 00M Fully restore the statue of Het in Het's Oasis
97 TaskScythe96
Beginner 99%
14% 00H 29M Obtain a unique from the Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza minigame
98 Oongus
Easy 57%
14% 01H 00M Obtain a Baby platypus
99 famousvega
Easy 59%
14% 00H 55M Register a total of 2 unique items in the K'ril Tsutsaroth section of your Boss collection log
100 AssignedTask
Beginner 99%
13% 00H 43M Register a total of 2 unique items in the General Graardor section of your Boss collection log