Rank Username Current tier Total Time per task Current task
1 Elroy
Grandmaster 76%
94% 04H 27M Reach the 150 million experience milestone in the Mining skill
2 Sceptal
Grandmaster 22%
86% 02H 56M Reach an Agility level of 110
3 TaskmanMju
Master 100%
86% 03H 05M Create the masterwork 2h sword
4 TaskmanHorne
Master 69%
79% 03H 04M Obtain a unique piece of Balarak's sash brush
5 Goblina Ork
Master 56%
77% 02H 22M Register a total of 12 unique items in the Queen Black Dragon section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Experiment' title
6 Taskman Blue
Hard 100%
77% 02H 29M Register a total of 80 unique items in the medium tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
7 xRobbbert
Master 49%
76% 02H 17M Obtain a unique piece of Balarak's sash brush
8 Task Clues
Master 43%
75% 02H 24M Obtain the 9th pair of Replica statue pieces for the Statue of Dahmaroc, and add them to a plinth in the study of your Player-owned House
9 TaskBlinky
Master 36%
74% 03H 04M Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 20th time
10 Pureheart651
Medium 100%
71% -- Unlock the Inspire Love relic power
11 TaskMenoce
Master 26%
71% 01H 60M Reach a Runecrafting level of 105
12 task nemo
Master 24%
69% 03H 04M Register a total of 6 unique items in the TzHaar section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'Kal-Haar-Xil' title
13 Taskscaper
Master 20%
68% 01H 32M Register a total of 36 unique items in the Barrows section of your Boss collection log
14 Task Manikin
Master 18%
68% 01H 58M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
15 TaskManJemes
Hard 100%
67% 02H 17M Reach a Mining level of 105
16 Maestro Foro
Elite 100%
66% 01H 41M Reach a Smithing level of 105
17 Dutchytask
Elite 73%
65% 01H 38M Register a total of 5 unique items in the Corporeal beast section of your Boss collection log
18 trickytask
Hard 100%
65% 01H 51M Register a total of 7 unique items in the Senntisten section of your Slayer collection log
19 GodelTM
Hard 100%
65% 02H 04M Register a total of 3 unique items in the Giant mole section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'of the Underground' title
20 Ann Arbor
Elite 83%
64% 02H 10M Obtain the Master thief's lockpick and add it to your tool belt
21 TaskNeppen
Elite 91%
63% 02H 33M Register a total of 20 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
22 Mystc Shot
Hard 100%
62% 02H 38M Create the Masterwork armour set
23 taskepride
Hard 100%
62% -- Register a total of 70 unique items in the easy tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
24 Taskman Owen
Hard 100%
61% 02H 09M Register a total of 16 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
25 Sock Task
Medium 100%
59% 01H 23M Register a total of 12 unique items in the Kandarin section of your Slayer collection log
26 Taskbren
Medium 100%
58% 01H 60M Register a total of 13 unique items in the Other Worlds section of your Slayer collection log
27 Task Kuzhaar
Elite 53%
58% 02H 33M Register a total of 5 unique item in the Osseous section of your Boss collection log
28 SnowDoesTask
Elite 32%
53% 02H 06M Obtain a Champion's challenge and defeat the challenger in the basement of the Champions' Guild
29 GodlyTaskman
Hard 100%
53% 02H 10M Register a total of 5 unique items in the Legiones section of your Boss collection log
30 Sheep Task
Hard 100%
53% 02H 06M Obtain a unique from the Mort'ton Catacombs
31 Sparkytasks
Medium 100%
48% -- Obtain a unique from Lucky charms
32 Raklarn
Hard 57%
45% 02H 28M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Magister section of your Boss collection log
33 Elfir Ydlom
Hard 87%
45% 00H 54M Register a total of 3 unique items in the Legiones section of your Boss collection log
34 Auto wrack
Hard 86%
45% -- Find out what Zamorak's up to in Twilight of the Gods
35 TaskLasss
Hard 58%
40% -- Register a total of 3 unique item in the Osseous section of your Boss collection log
36 TooManyMazes
Hard 57%
40% -- Thaw 4 frozen hearts
37 Gael Task
Hard 46%
40% 01H 09M Obtain a unique from the Gnome Restaurant delivery service
38 Taskman Stig
Hard 50%
40% 01H 42M Register a total of 4 unique items in the Kharidian Desert section of your Slayer collection log
39 SBG Task
Medium 99%
39% 01H 47M Register a total of 9 unique items in the Lost Lands and Dungeons section of your Slayer collection log
40 Kedabi
Hard 40%
39% 01H 13M Mok TokHaar-Hok in the Fight Cauldron by defeating him using only Obsidian equipment and luck
41 taski ani
Hard 45%
38% 01H 03M Register a total of 16 unique items in the Chaos Elemental section of your Boss collection log
42 Task Monkey
Medium 99%
36% 02H 31M Defeat Commander Zilyana while being under the weather
43 Tasg Ilwyd
Hard 33%
35% 01H 22M Register a total of 2 unique item in the Osseous section of your Boss collection log
44 Psychite Tea
Hard 26%
35% 01H 56M Show them who's the real boss of the Reef!
45 Cookiventure
Hard 18%
34% 01H 37M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Helwyr section of your Boss collection log
46 TaskSpek
Hard 19%
33% 00H 56M Siphon a level 10 item
47 Scary Task
Hard 15%
33% -- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 2nd time
48 IHavePower
Hard 11%
32% 01H 57M Obtain a unique Totem piece or a bottle of Essential Oils whilst traversing the Anachronia Agility Course
49 Brass Tasks
Medium 99%
32% 01H 03M Register a total of 7 unique items in the Karamja section of your Slayer collection log
50 Task Fam0us
Medium 98%
31% 01H 36M Locate and read the “Burnt pages”