Rank Username Current tier Total Time per task Current task
1 Elroy
Grandmaster 79%
94% 04H 36M Reach the 150 million experience milestone in the Construction skill
2 TaskmanMju
Grandmaster 28%
86% 03H 11M Obtain a unique from Lucky charms
3 Sceptal
Grandmaster 29%
85% 02H 49M Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Fletching skill
4 Goblina Ork
Master 71%
78% 02H 19M Obtain the Herblore master cape
5 TaskmanHorne
Elite 98%
75% 02H 54M Register a total of 5 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
6 Taskman Blue
Easy 100%
74% 02H 22M Create a set of +5 Eternal Magic weapons
7 task nemo
Easy 100%
73% 03H 13M Register a total of 7 unique items in the Rasial, the First Necromancer section of your Boss collection log
8 Task Clues
Elite 97%
72% 02H 17M Oi! Keep your hands off me!
9 TaskMenoce
Master 32%
69% 01H 50M Register a total of 7 unique items in the Legiones section of your Boss collection log
10 Task Eva
Master 33%
69% 01H 45M Create the Artificer's Measure
11 Maestro Foro
Master 31%
68% 01H 51M Create the Support cape
12 ALostBlinky
Easy 97%
66% 03H 12M Obtain a unique Revenant spirit skin
13 Taskbren
Elite 100%
64% 02H 30M Register a total of 12 unique items in the Queen Black Dragon section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Experiment' title
14 Ann Arbor
Hard 100%
63% 02H 16M Siphon at every single type of node in the Runespan at least once
15 trickytask
Elite 93%
63% 01H 50M Reach a Firemaking level of 105
16 taskepride
Elite 97%
63% -- Relieve Sedridor of his remaining stones and unlock the 'Archmage' title
17 Taskscaper
Beginner 99%
61% 01H 33M Register a total of 74 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
18 TaskManJemes
Easy 98%
61% 02H 17M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
19 Taskman Owen
Elite 77%
57% 02H 08M Relieve Sedridor of his remaining stones and unlock the 'Archmage' title
20 Sheep Task
Easy 100%
55% 01H 48M Register a total of 13 unique items in the Other Worlds section of your Slayer collection log
21 Sock Task
Easy 98%
54% 01H 21M Register a total of 12 unique items in the Karamja section of your Slayer collection log
22 Elfir Ydlom
Elite 34%
51% 01H 15M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log
23 SnowDoesTask
Easy 100%
50% 02H 08M Create the Masterwork armour set
24 Taskman Fist
Easy 100%
50% 01H 54M Register a total of 1 unique item in the Sanctum of Rebirth section of your Boss collection log
25 GodlyTaskman
Easy 97%
48% 02H 13M Obtain a unique item from the Mage Training Arena
26 Sparkytasks
Elite 9%
47% -- Gather more data for your pokédex
27 imalltaskson
Hard 83%
45% 01H 18M Siphon at every single type of node in the Runespan at least once
28 Magna Task
Hard 81%
41% 02H 10M Upgrade your Material storage to store a total of 40 different Materials
29 7asks
Easy 100%
41% 01H 09M The beacons are lit!
30 IHavePower
Hard 57%
39% 02H 08M Register a total of 11 unique items in the Lost Lands and Dungeons section of your Slayer collection log
31 Gael Task
Easy 98%
39% 01H 15M Obtain a unique from Lucky charms
32 SBG Task
Hard 52%
39% 01H 47M Register a total of 18 unique items in the Chaos Elemental section of your Boss collection log
33 Dusk Task
Hard 62%
38% 01H 05M Upgrade the Simple generator to a Large generator
34 Cookiventure
Easy 100%
38% 01H 41M Obtain a unique item from the Mage Training Arena
35 Taskman Stig
Hard 52%
37% 01H 41M Register a total of 5 unique items in the Vindicta and Gorvek section of your Boss collection log
36 Siliun Sedai
Hard 34%
35% -- Craft a Large rune pouch
37 Tasg Ilwyd
Hard 41%
35% 01H 21M Register a total of 18 unique items in the Barrows section of your Boss collection log
38 Scary Task
Medium 99%
34% 01H 20M Upgrade your Crystal teleport seed to its attuned version
39 Taskman Jay
Easy 98%
34% 01H 33M Catch an abnormally Big shark and mount it in your house
40 Task Monkey
Beginner 99%
33% 02H 31M Defeat Commander Zilyana while being under the weather
41 hons1task
Beginner 99%
32% 01H 60M Obtain a unique from Lucky charms
42 Psychite Tea
Medium 97%
32% 01H 56M Complete the hard Morytania Area Tasks
43 IronBemis
Easy 100%
30% 01H 08M Pray at the altar in the Kharid-et chapel while wearing a full set of Ancient ceremonial robes
44 WynnterTask
Hard 4%
30% 01H 13M Register a total of 2 unique items in the Kharidian Desert section of your Slayer collection log
45 StierTM
Hard 7%
29% 01H 20M Obtain a unique while scooping the poop in the Manure mound of the Player-owned Farm
46 Lewnies
Tutorial 10%
29% 01H 15M Register a total of 3 unique items in the Twin Furies section of your Boss collection log
47 TaskZetiv
Hard 7%
29% 00H 51M Register a total of 15 unique items in the Barrows section of your Boss collection log
48 Task Phil
Easy 100%
29% -- Obtain a unique item from Wizard Finix's Runecrafting Shop
49 AshryverTask
Medium 100%
29% -- Buy a unique piece of the Master runecrafter robes
50 Taskman Bot
Hard 3%
29% 01H 11M Create Char's most treasured symbol in her training cave